難民支援のパートナー団体ルーテル世界連盟がHumanitarian Accountability Partnershipに認証されました。
Humanitarian Accountability Partnership
人道支援団体の説明責任パートナーシップEstablished in 2003, HAP International is the humanitarian sector’s first international self-regulatory body. Members of HAP are committed to meeting the highest standards of accountability and quality management.
2003年に設立されて、国際HAPは人道支援のセクターの最初の国際的な自主規制機関です。 HAPのメンバーは説明責任と品質管理の最も高い規格を満たすよう心がけます。
The HAP Standard is a practical and measurable tool that represents a broad consensus of what matters most in humanitarian action. The 2010 edition is the result of an extensive review process that involved wide consultation with different stakeholders, including crisis-affected communities, aid workers and donors. Download the HAP Standard in Accountability and Quality Management(pdf, 777 Kb).
Dear Friends,I want to share with you the great news, now official, that LWF World Service got the HAP certification , and it is the second organization to be certified against the HAP 2010 Standards (before it was 2007 Standrads), with only two minors corrections out of 36 possible to still have the certification.We are very proud of this achievement, thanks to the embraced commitment to accountability by all LWF/DWS staff over the years. We know that our work in this field doesn’t stop here, but challenge us to demonstrate that we have taken accountability seriously throughout the organization. This achievement was also possible thanks to the commitment and support of many of your organizations, that have been somehow engaged in the process as well.HAP has issued a press release on the LWF certification , as well as LWI (see links below).We thank you ALL for this, but special thanks to our colleagues in Uganda and Nepal, who have been visited by HAP for the baseline study and for the certification audit, respectively. We will share with you tomorrow the final report of the certification audit, and then you will be able to see the amazing work we all did to get to this stage.Let’s celebrate!! We deserve it…